Tag: bills

Comment On This Bill – A review

The Washington State Legislature put out a survey of what people throught of their new online commenting system for bills.  If you’d like to see what the survey respondants thought, check it out here: E-Comments Survey- Responses from Public

WA State Legislature: See which bills our Legislators are sponsoring

Finding out which bills our Legislators are sponsoring this session is easy.  Here’s how you do it: Find your legislator on this website:  For House members, click here: http://www.leg.wa.gov/House/Representatives/Pages/default.aspx For Senators, click here: http://www.leg.wa.gov/Senate/Senators/Pages/default.aspx Find your Legislator’s name and click on it Click on the Bill Sponsorship link You will now see the bills this Legislator sponsored.

WA State Legislature: How to comment on a bill

As of this 2013 session, the public can now comment on bills under consideration in the state legislature.  This is incredibly useful, as many of us don’t have the time to venture down to Olympia to give in-person opinions on laws under consideration.  Here’s how you do it: Go to the Legislature’s website: http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx Click on …

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