On March 26, 2022, the 11th LD Dems will select our delegates to the State Convention! This page will serve as your guide through the process. If you’re just here to run to be a delegate – sign up here. If you have other questions, read on!
What is a State Convention?
Every two years, Washington State Democrats hold a statewide convention during which our party’s platform and resolution are revisited to ensure that our party represents our values, goals and objectives. This year the Convention will be comprised of 1,000 elected delegates, 500 alternate delegates, and a number of automatic delegates. The Convention will take place the weekend of June 24, 2022.
The Washington State Democrats Convention will be both online and in-person. Attendees will have to declare which they prefer when they sign up to run. If you choose to attend in-person, you’ll be heading down to Tacoma.
Friday, June 24 to Sunday, June 26 = WA State Dems Convention weekend! While the actual convention is Saturday (and that’s when attendees must attend), there are optional events—like trainings and issue-centered Caucuses—on Friday.
Who can run to be a delegate?
Any Democrat who resides within the 11th Legislative District can sign up to run to be a delegate at the State Convention. The boundaries we will be using are the new LD boundaries passed by the State Legislature in February of this year. Check to make sure your address is still in the newly redistricted 11th Legislative District at this link.
There is no requirement that you need to already be a member of the 11th LD Dems. (Although we hope you will become one – it’s free!) You just need to identify as a Democrat and be willing to serve!
Who votes on delegates?
Members of a Legislative District organization as of February 26 can vote on delegates. That means you do not need to be able to vote on delegates in order to run for delegate! Redistricting effects who is eligible to vote – read about that below.
How many delegates does the 11th get?
We get 22 delegates and 11 alternates. That’s a lot! So, if you choose to run, your chances of becoming a delegate are good! Sign up to run today and have fun with us at the State Convention!
Each district also gets a number of “automatic” delegates, including the LD’s Chair, Vice Chair, State Committee members. Democratic members of the State Legislature are also automatic delegates, so you’ll get the chance to serve alongside them if you run for delegate!
How will the Caucus be conducted?
We are currently planning for a “meetingless” caucus. This corresponds with the way the caucus was run in 2020 and allows votes to be cast at any time from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. We will be voting on the rules for our LD at our March 15 meeting. Read them here.

Washington State redrew district boundaries in 2022. Is the caucus under the new or old boundaries?
The caucus will be held under the new boundaries of the 11th Legislative District! Check to see if you live in the 11th LD here.
I’m convinced! How do I run for delegate?
First, sign up using this form.
You’ll be asked to provide information such as your best email address, your physical address, whether you intend to attend the Convention in person, and how you identify in terms of gender (which is required by State Party rules). You will also be able to provide an optional statement of up to 150 words, which – if you submit it on or before March 23 – we will send out to all eligible voters.
At 10 am on Saturday, March 26, all 11th LD PCOs and members will receive a ballot with your name on it. Ballots will be due at 6pm – so we’ll know the winners by the very next day!
What happens if I win?
This is when the real fun begins! There will be at least one meeting of our 11th LD delegation before the State Convention. Our delegation will be able to submit proposed changes to the rules and platform of the State Party, as well as resolutions, that will be considered by the full Convention in June. You’ll get the chance to meet your fellow 11th LD activists and activists from all across the State either virtually or in person. It’s going to be lots of fun!
I’ve been redistricted into/out of the 11th LD. What does that mean?
If you were redistricted into the 11th LD, welcome! You can run to be one of our delegates! If you were a member of your old Legislative District (but have yet to become an 11th LD member), you are also an eligible voter! Use this form to ensure you get your ballot.
If you were redistricted out of the 11th LD, we will miss you! But you can now run to be a delegate in your new district. If you were a member of the 11th LD, you will also be able to vote in your new district’s LD Caucus! We’ll connect you with your new district. Use this form to help us make that connection!
I have a Question. I need more clarification. Who can I talk to?