General Meeting Agenda – February 19th 2013

The Agenda for the February 19th meeting has been posted:

General Membership Monthly Meeting, third Tuesday of every month.  231 Burnett Ave North, Renton WA.  7-9pm (February 19th, 2013)

February Agenda

Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Approval of minutes from Retreat Report/LD Calendar
Rebecca Bryant, Congressman Adam Smith’s new Political Director. or cell, (303) 514-6237
Chair’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
KCDCC Report
Unfinished Business:
Appoint e-board members
• KCDCC LAC Rep 1: Christopher Anderson
• KCDCC LAC Rep 2: Jerri Wood
• Newsletter Editor: Bill Taylor
• Webmaster: Robert Kangas
New Business:
• Secure Communities Resolution Proposed by Colin Maloney of Communities United
• Tom/Sheldon Resolution
• Seattle District Elections Resolution
Adoption of By-laws
Good of the Order – limit to 1 minute per speaker

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