UPDATES (February 9, 2021): Check below for the current Candidate Self-Nomination Form. Submit self-nominations before February 12 to have your information sent to all members. Contact comments@11thLDdems.org if you are having any issues, need any special accommodations, or have any additional questions.
The rules passed at the January Reorg Meeting will still be in effect and elections for Secretary and two KCDCC Alternates will be held on February 16. The vote for KCDCC Alternate is PCO-only, while the vote for Secretary is open to all members. Check back here for more updates!

UPDATE: You can now read the statements from candidates who self-nominated in advance of the meeting! Review them at these links:
UPDATES (January 5, 2021): Check below for the Voter Registration Form (for elected PCOs) and for the Candidate Self-Nomination Form. Submit self-nominations before January 14 to have your information sent to all members. Contact comments@11thLDdems.org if you are having any issues, need any special accommodations, or have any additional questions.
UPDATE (January 6, 2021): View the Proposed Rules for our Reorg Meeting.
On January 19, 2021, the 11th LD Dems will have our reorganization meeting (or “Reorg Meeting,” for short), as stipulated in our bylaws. We are bound not only by our own bylaws, but also the State Party Charter, the bylaws of the King County Democrats, and Washington State law (find the relevant passage here). We are also listening to advice and directions from the State Party, the County Party, and other Legislative Districts. They are all coping with this in their own way.
For obvious reasons, this reorg meeting will be virtual. This meeting will hopefully look easy in the end, but is no small feat to pull off!
We wanted to give you as many details as are clear now, since this will be an absolute first for our organization. More details will be coming soon – both in your email inbox and your physical mailbox. Stay tuned.
What positions are up for election?
There are several elected Executive Board positions that will be up for election at our January Reorg Meeting. These positions are:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- 2 KCDCC Representatives (who sit as voting members on the County Party’s Central Committee)
- 2 State Committeepeople (who represent us on the State Party’s Central Committee)
- Secretary
In November, it was announced that we will hold elections at our February Membership Meeting to fill the vacancies for the following positions:
- 2 KCDCC Alternate Representatives (who fill any vacant seats from our LD’s delegation at the County Party’s Central Committee meetings)
Per DNC rules, the positions of KCDCC Rep, KCDCC Alternate, and State Committeeperson must be filled by people of different genders.
Who is eligible to vote?
Per Washington State law, only elected PCOs are eligible to vote. This means that if you registered to become a PCO in May and won your election (or were unopposed) in August, you are eligible to vote in our Reorg Meeting. Don’t know if you were elected? Check out this link to find out if you were uncontested and this link if you had an opponent.
(Why isn’t there an easier way to find out? You can ask Republican Secretary of State Kim Wyman.)
Are you a PCO?
We will be following a similar model to the County Party’s Reorg Meeting. Here is the approximate checklist:
- Put January 19, 2021 at 7pm on your calendar!
- Look out for a letter in your mailbox from the 11th LD Dems. This will include a Personal PCO Number – a personalized and randomized code which will allow you to vote.
- Register using our form.
- Make sure you are signed up for the newsletter, so you can get all the candidates’ materials.
- Attend the Reorg Meeting and bring your code with you.
Want to be a Candidate?
There will be a form to fill out to declare your candidacy. That form will include space for you to submit a 200 word candidate’s statement. Submit your self-nomination before January 14 in order to have your candidate statement and information sent to all our members and PCOs! Register as a candidate here!
Also, be sure to join a Facebook group founded and run by various 11th LD Dems. It looks like campaigning is already underway, so make your announcement and get in the race to make a difference in our community!
Have a Question? Want More Clarification?