From Social Security Works WA:
At our meeting today, we made further plans for the UW forum on Nov. 21st. We are asking all of the coalition members to focus on turn out for this forum. We have amazing speakers: Terry O’Neill, national president of NOW; Rep. Jim McDermott; and former King County Executive Ron Sims. We have reserved a big room in Kane Hall and we need to fill it.
We formed a subcommittee to work on stopping the closure of the Soc. Sec. field office in the International District (I.D.). This committee will work on establishing ties with community organizations in the I.D. for the purpose of holding a community meeting to which Stanley Friendship, the Regional Administrator will be asked to attend. When we leafleted at that office last week, we learned just how critical that office is to the I.D. community. Steve Kofahl is leading that committee and as soon as he sets a date for the first committee meeting, I will get the word out to the entire list. We will welcome anyone who wants to help.
We are very unhappy and concerned with how the discussions are proceeding with the Super Committee. We will be sending you a message we hope you will communicate to your members asking them to contact Senators Murray & Cantwell and their congressional representative letting them know just how politically treacherous is the ground upon which they are walking.
The coalition members at the meeting asked that I provide information re. the jobs & infrastructure rally and march on Nov. 17th. The flier is attached.
Finally, because of everything that is going on and the need for final preparation for the Nov. 21st forum, the Coalition will meet on Wed., Nov. 16th, at 2:30 p.m. at the Seattle WSLC office.