People for the American Way is asking people to write to State Farm Insurance about their affiliation with ALEC. This will have extra impact if you are a policy holder and add your policy number.
State Farm Insurance
PO Box 5000
Dupont, WA
To Whom It May Concern:
Your company funds or participates in the activities of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a group whose ideologically driven agenda has led to the reckless promotion of bills that harm consumers, endanger individuals and deny the fundamental, constitutional rights of millions.
ALEC pushes discriminatory voter ID legislation that suppresses the votes of minorities, young voters, low-income voters and the elderly by erecting barriers that could disenfranchise millions of voters across the nation. Bills based on ALEC’s model legislation in this area have been introduced in numerous states. Although proponents of voter ID laws claim the goal is to reduce voter fraud, there is no evidence that such fraud occurs with any regularity in this country.
Many seniors have to give up driving after a certain age, and imposing unnecessarily stringent ID requirements can and has resulted in people who have voted in the same place for 50 years being told that this year they won’t be allowed to.
I strongly urge you to withdraw from and cease supporting ALEC and its agenda. I am part of a growing number of Americans who are concerned about the role that ALEC is playing in the promotion and passage of laws that do real harm to individual Americans and will be taking note of which companies continue to support ALEC’s efforts.
I have been a State Farm policy holder since I learned to drive 50 years ago living 40 miles from Bloomington, IL. Please do the right thing, and separate yourself from ALEC’s extreme political, and reckless, agenda.