News from Congressman Adam Smith

For those of you in the 9th Congressional District part of the 11th LD:

Smith Supports Access to Healthcare

With the passage of the budget following extensive negotiations, disagreements over access to healthcare continue to be a sticking point in the House of Representatives. Following a vote on the budget, the House took up two additional measures in an effort to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and defund Planned Parenthood.

  • H.Con.Res 35 – This resolution, introduced by Rep. Rodney Alexander, directs the House Clerk to “correct” H.R. 1473 (the Fiscal Year 2011 budget) by removing all funding for the PPACA. Adam voted against the resolution, which passed in the House by a vote of 240-185. The resolution was promptly taken up by the Senate, where it failed by a vote of 47-53.

  • H.Con.Res 36 – This resolution, introduced by Rep. Diane Black, functions in the same way as H.Con.Res 35 by directing the Clerk to modify the FY 2011 budget and remove all Title X funding for Planned Parenthood. Some confusion has surrounded the debate over Planned Parenthood, which does offer abortion services, although those services are not currently paid for by Federal Funds, as the Hyde Amendment prevents Federal funding from paying for abortions. The funding in question provides other women’s health services, including cancer screenings and assorted primary care. Adam voted against the resolution, which passed in the House by a vote of 241-185. The resolution has since been taken up by the Senate, where it failed by a vote of 42-58.


Smith Votes to Preserve Preventative Care

Last week, the House of Representatives voted on H.R. 1217, a bill to defund the Prevention and Public Health Fund, established as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Adam voted against the bill, which would cut funding for preventative care.

“Providing access to preventative care is a critical element of healthcare reform. Effective preventative care and health management can help reduce the effects of chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes, improving the lives of those affected while lowering healthcare costs for everyone,” Adam said.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Joseph Pitts, passed by a final vote of 236-183, and now awaits action by the Senate.


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